Pregnancy Calculator

Pregnancy Calculator

When a woman finds out that she is pregnant, the first question that arises in her mind is what her expected due date is. And to calculate this expected due date, the pregnancy calculator is used. How to go about this calculation? Let us know more!

Period of Gestation 

After the baby is conceived in the uterus, it takes around 40 weeks for it to fully develop in the mother's womb. This duration of time is known as the period of gestation. A child is born after this period is completed. The date on which the child is born is termed the "due date."

The estimated due date

The date when the labour pains followed by the birth of the baby are expected to occur is known as the estimated due date. It is calculated by adding 280 days (9 months and 7 days) to the first day of the last menstrual cycle. The accuracy of the EDD determined by this method depends on how precisely the mother recalls the date of her last menstrual cycle.

Nowadays, a lot of websites offer online pregnancy calculators to calculate the due date. Just use them in three simple steps.

1. Use an online pregnancy calculator

2. Enter the date requested by the calculator

3. The next thing you have in front of you is your estimated due date

But remember, the estimated due date calculated with the pregnancy calculator is not the exact date when labour will occur. It is just an approximate one. If a pregnant mom crosses the EDD, she should consult her doctor to avoid any further complications in the delivery of the baby.


Women who suffer from irregular menstrual cycles are usually unable to remember the date of their last period. And hence, the above formulae to calculate the due date do not apply to them. They are advised to go for an ultrasound examination to determine their expected date of delivery. The ultrasound done in the first two to three months gives the most accurate results.

Also, watch this video where in a user of Krishna Coming GarbhSanskar asked founder Prof. Vipin Joshi why we should follow GarbhSanskar.  













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