
Showing posts from May, 2022

ये छः संकेत बताते हैं कि गर्भ में शिशु सुरक्षित है

ये छः संकेत बताते हैं कि गर्भ में शिशु सुरक्षित है  मां बनना दुनिया का सबसे खूबसूरत एहसास है। और अगर प्रेगनेंसी पहली हो तो अक्सर न्यू पेरेंट्स अपने होने वाले शिशु के लिए कुछ ज़्यादा ही concerned और over protective होते हैं, जो कि होना लाज़मी भी है। हर पेरेंट्स चाहते हैं कि उनका होने वाला बच्चा मां के पेट में बिलकुल हेल्थी और सेफ रहे और प्रेगनेंसी बिना किसी complications के आसानी से हो जाए। यूँ तो गर्भ में पल रहे बच्चे की position और growth का पता लगाने के लिए डॉक्टर्स time to time ultrasound करवाने की सलाह देते हैं। पर क्या आप जानते हैं कि अगर होने वाली माँ अपने शरीर को बारीकी से observe करें, तो ultra sound के बिना भी इस बात का अंदाज़ा लगाया जा सकता है कि गर्भ में पल रहा शिशु सुरक्षित है या नहीं। इन observations का एक और फायदा ये भी है कि इनकी मदद से हम बेबी को, होने वाली कई तकलीफों से बचा सकते हैं। साथ ही सही समय पर precautions लेकर प्रेगनेंसी के दौरान होने वाले कई कॉम्प्लीकेशन्स और खतरों को रोक भी सकते हैं। तो आइये बात करते हैं कुछ ऐसे ही छः संकेतों के बारे में जो बताते हैं कि ग...

Low Blood Pressure During Pregnancy & Its Effect On Baby

  Low Blood Pressure During Pregnancy & Its Effect On Baby Low blood pressure, also referred to as hypotension, is a commonly faced issue during pregnancy, but it rarely becomes a cause of concern. Low BP usually occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy, but for some women it may stretch into the second and third trimesters too. Doctors state that for a pregnant mom blood pressure should also be within the healthy range of less than 120/80 mm Hg. Blood pressure is considered low when it drops below this range. In most cases, low blood pressure during pregnancy does not require any specialised or structured treatment, but unnatural fluctuations in blood pressure might be a sign of something really serious with the mom and her baby.  Symptoms of Low Blood Pressure During Pregnancy 1. Blurred vision 2. Chest pains, nausea, and vomiting 3. Severe and persistent thirst, despite drinking plenty of water 4. Lack of focus 5. Cold and moist skin 6. Breathing difficulty 7. Freque...

Know Everything About Simantonayana Sanskar

 Indian civilization is very old, and everything in our civilization has its own importance. According to Indian scriptures, every human being born on this earth should follow sixteen sanskars. Gods like Lord Krishna, Lord Rama, and many famous sages have also abided by these sixteen sanskars. All these sixteen sanskars have their own significance in the life of a human being. So let's discuss Simantonayana Sanskar, the third sanskar of these sixteen vital sanskars, in detail. The Significance of Simantonayana Sanskar: Simantonayana Sanskar is performed between the sixth and eight months of pregnancy. During this time, the unborn baby is developing physically and mentally inside the mother's womb. It is believed that by this time, the child growing in the womb becomes capable of learning and absorbing information. So it is important for the mother to keep restraint on her conduct and speech. Whatever the mother absorbs from her surroundings and the way she behaves during her p...